Onion Essential Oil...

Onion Essential Oil is applied to the skin, a carrier must be used. Onion Oil can be used as a room sanitizer to clear negative, evil energy. Use in bath therapy with a trained therapist.

There are many cultivars of onion. It is difficult to tell exactly from which variety the onion oil is taken. The onion most used in Europe and the Middle East for oil production seems to be the red onion. This oil should never be used without some precautions being taken. The odor can be quite offensive and can produce a powerful emotional reaction in the person using it.

Onion oil is, in most circumstance, one of two related things: either the essential oil extracted from an onion or basic oil, such as olive or vegetable that is flavored and augmented with onion, usually during cooking. Essential oils are most common in homeopathic and alternative medicine.

In cooking, onion oil is almost always intended for flavor more than any health benefit.

Medicinal onion oil usually comes packaged in dropper bottles or capsules. The oil is highly concentrated and has generally been procured either through boiling the onion down slowly over time, or steaming it dry. Onions naturally contain a lot of moisture, which means that the water must either be pressed or boiled out of the vegetable before the oils can be isolated. The process is often arduous, but not particularly complicated.

Homeopathic practitioners sometimes recommend natural onion oil as a treatment for upper respiratory problems, particularly colds and seasonal allergies. It is believed that the oil can aid in decongestion while helping rid the body of toxins. The oils are also sometimes used to treat ear infections. Some traditional medicine practices prescribe the attachment of entire onion segments to the body to achieve the oil’s healing properties, but more modern practitioners usually find the ingestion or direct application of concentrated oil to be more effective.

Uses: Varieties of onions are rich in disease-fighting vitamins and nutrients. Onion oil is capable of anything from lowering cholesterol to negating the harmful effects of nicotine and stymieing the growth of some cancers.

Home-pressed onion oil is often used as a base for any number of dishes. Oil is a common facet of many recipes. Cooking with onion oil instead of commercially-available vegetable or corn versions often adds a new layer of flavor to a dish and can enhance a range of both savory and sweet tastes.

Cooks will also create a sort of onion-flavored oil by simmering onion slices in other oils. Olive oil is a popular choice, as its nutty, smooth flavor can serve as a good base for the more pungent onion. This sort of oil is popular as a dressing and can also be used for dipping breads and vegetables.

Benefits: Onions are a good supply of Insulin a dietary fiber that is a good food source for the healthy bacteria present in the intestines. Insulin promotes a healthy bowel movement and keeps the healthy bacteria at a safe level, which thereby increase digestion.

It has been used for centuries to heal coughs, bronchitis, congestion, and metabolism infections. Raw onions are recommended to fight off colds.

Onions are used to maintain a healthy bone system. It contains a compound which prevents excessive bone loss. It is especially useful to women who go through menopause and are at a greater risk of osteoporosis.

Onion contains trace amounts of sulfur which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. A study has shown that applying onion juice on scalp twice in a week for two months can stimulate hair growth. Ignore the smell for it can be washed away. Nothing works better than onion juice for hair.

Onion is made up of exceedingly different types of sulfides, which gives protection against neoplasm growth. Regular consumption of onions reduces the risk of many cancers like esophageal cancer, renal cell cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer and laryngeal cancer.

The bactericidal properties of onion prevent oral infection and tooth decay. That chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is allayed by placing a piece of onion on the aching tooth.

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